v0.0.11 small patches changelogs

– disabled primitive tribe spawn if region is already settled
– added warning event when settling on a primitive tribe’s region
– fixed issues with the policies UI
– increased persistant mode prod cycle to 1.5 hour
– increased loot of wolves and bears when killing them

– modified and reduced effect of all knowledges on intelligence
– fixed an issue with iron working tech
– fixed issues with cultural transfers between regions
– fixed bug where llamas were unavailable in tropical climate

– fixed issues with building platforms
– improved UI to place platforms
– added “support” constraints to terrain heights modification: tiles now have a min and max height based on their surrounding tiles to prevent exploits such as making free walls of dirt.
– fixed obsidian weapons not beeing unlocked with the obsidian tech
– fixed display issues with the terrain heights tool
– failsafe prevents players from placing a production building that has nothing exploitable in range ( ex hunters or fisherpigs )
– inactive characters’s scores now ignored for the ref average score calculation
– slowed evolution of culture and loyalty in persistent modes
– fixed battle code errors with disembarking and multiple allied armies
– fixed issue with research projects getting stuck

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