Resource menu


The resource menu gives all the details regarding a specific resource in a region.

Price details

On the right, the menu gives  you details about the pricing of the resource and allows you to understand why it costs this amount of coins.
Several factors defines a resource final price.
Market study is the base factor. It’s the ‘ideal price’ estimated by the merchants of this resource to make the highest income selling it, studying who wants this resource and what’s their purchasing power.
They also consider what industries consume the resource and what they do with it: If an industry produces a highly priced product out of their material, the merchants will also raise their market price.
Supply/demand factors are how the prices are affected by competition. Either competition between merchants ( higher offer -> lowers prices ) or between clients ( higher demand -> increases prices ). Its separated between the Market one ( population ), and the industrial one ( industries using this resource as a material for production ).
State supply/demand is the influence of the player on the resource price. Consuming a large amount of it at once, leaving the stocks empty, will increase prices.
Production cost is the influence of … production cost on the resource price. The price of a resource will always increase to ensure a minimum +1 benefit to those trading it, so if a resource costs 8 to produce, its minimum price will always be 9. If that resource was supposed to cost 6 so far, the ‘production cost’ effect on price would then be 3, to ensure this minimum of 9.
Might have to rename that though, to avoid confusion with the actual production cost.
The actual production cost is the average cost of the different required materials to produce one unit of the resource, and is only for resources produced by industries.
If it takes 2 units of clay to produce 1 pottery and the price of clay is 2, then the production cost of Pottery is 4. Here because the resulting price is 15 anyways, production cost therefore as no effect on the final price.

Resource production and consumptions
As you can see this menu details all the different sources of incomes and outcomes of a selected resource. There you can check things like its production cost, or the amounts supplied and demanded by both population and industries .

Storage policies
I’ve implemented and added 3 storage policies. Each resource type can have its own storage policy.
A storage policy defines a general rule for stocking that resource:
The default one allows the resource to be stocked in any available storage building.
The “only in restricted” one means the resource will only be allowed in storage buildings specifically allowing this resource. They will not go in non-restricted ‘universal’ storage buildings. If there is no room, the resource is destroyed. This way you can now avoid having a single resource spamming all your ‘universal’ warehouses and make sure it only goes in the ones you created specifically for it.
And at last, the 3rd option simply forbids any stocking of the resource, if ever you need this for some reason. So any income left after distribution, exports and industries is simply discarded.

Also… Moving buildings
It’s finally possible to move buildings. For now its free and it just takes the time to rebuild the building elsewhere.




2 Replies to “Resource menu”

  1. Cool to see you back with a new update Ronchon!

    Hope you weren´t forced to write this by Uhtred. 😀

    Me and my friends still keep on waiting for every single Update of your blog. With this and further updates trading with other players sure get amazing.

    Just keep on doing this!


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