The early Incomes update


This update focuses on modifying the mechanics of early income sources.

Notably, Privileges have been completely changed as it was at the center of too many exploits: instead of generating new income derived from wealth, it now reduces some government expanses (territory & army upkeeps). This makes it now impossible to “wealth farm” and generate incomes ignoring waste.
To compensate for this change especially in the early game, other forms of income have been rebalanced as well.

Forced labor
Community work is now renamed ‘forced labor’ as it was a more fitting term.
Forced labor being historically one of the first ways of taxation, it makes sense to make it more prevalent.
Its associated penalties have been lowered, and its yield increased. Instead of a flat 60% conflict it now generates a proportional loyalty penalty like other taxes.

Agricultural levies
Tributes have been renamed ‘Agricultural levies’ to better illustrate what this tax represents and what resources are affected.
Historically it is also one of the earliest forms of taxation legitimized as a payment for land use.
It now affects all agricultural goods and not just foods, so it includes things such as flax and barley, wool and cotton etc…
Its loyalty penalty mechanic has also been modified: it now only angers farmers, which means the loyalty penalty is higher in territories with a high ratio of farmers. This means that for example, offloading angry farmers into surrounding territories can be a good way to increase your stability in your capital city.

Income Tax
The “classic” income tax is also now available much earlier since the Treasury policy instead of post coinage.

Victory Point rewards
To definitively fix the issue of last minute score manipulation to win Victory points at the end of a cycle, Victory point production is now continuous throughout the cycle.
Hegemony also now rewards not only the 1st score nation, but also the 4 other leading ones with degressive rewards. This means if the 2nd nation finally takes the lead, it wont be starting to increment towards victory back from 0 which would make the game far too long.

Administration & waste rebalances
Different values of administration have been modified to prevent exploits and improve the balance of the game especially to reduce burden in the early game.


The early incomes update
– Elder’s circle workers changed from official to teacher
– bug with hegemony rewards of sub-scores
– sub-territories cannot produce local administration (scribes disabled)
– further reducing reward cycle length from total game duration
– “tributes” renamed “agricultural levies”
– agricultural levies applied to all agricultural goods (ex barley, flax, cotton ect… )
– loyalty penalty from agricultural levies is factored by the ratio of farmers/total actives
– “community work” renamed “forced labour”
– forced labour now affects loylaty proportionnally like other taxes
– forced labour 60% flat conflict lowered to 5%.
– removed gift eco negative budget causing State power penalty
– removed meat from production tributes
– changeed victory cycle into a continuous production instead of punctual rewards to prevent last-minut score exploits.
– Added degressive VP rewards for nation’s position instead of just the 1st nation
– multiplied VP rewards and goal by 10
– restored degressive VP contributions based on nation rank
– Tutorial: now using the same worldmap & spawn to make tutorial the same for all players.
– Tutorial: fix selecting herd not working
– Debt / -CW flag not being properly cleared after fixing the budget/SP
– applying log soft cap to stored wealth per resource type, factored by territory pop size
– more clay per tile + admin less clay
– increased efficiency of clay pits
– Increased productivity of paper production + reduced material cost
– increased community workforce income by 50%
– changing “privileges” and leader contribution mechanic: instead of generating coins, it will reduce government costs.
– added decimals support for state salaries
– added scrollbar to projects in research tab
– income tax policy now available with treasury tech
– Implemented server update clearing all generated non-settled territories so new resources added by an update can appear on pre existing games
– added x0 and x0.5 speed in solo. removed x40.
– barter gives -5% waste reduction
– territory status “village” +5 base admin
– price calculations: increased profit margin rates from production costs.
– lowered dominance need for officials
– lowered admin cost of population for smaller populations (below 600)
– barter, currency and coinage give +5 administration in all territories each
– lowered base admin of territories to 15.
– applying administrative overextension penalty to sub-territories as well. region center: 50 per extra territory. regional territories: 10 per extra territory
– fixed issue with debt event preventing to cancel debt.
– fixed foreign fields always appearing dead
– fixed exploit allowing to recruit formation in incorrect territory types
– fixed not being able to disband troops in territories where recruiting is not allowed
– fixed upgrading buildings in territories not using materials of parent territory
– fixed gathering livestock mission not detecting higher tier paddocks
– fix attempt of bug of missing resources (meat, fish) in territory generator
– fixed bug of Succession/Rebel starts spawning without leadership
– fixed bug of player starting as primitives on someones ruins and inheriting their culture stats
– fixed bug where new character spawned in existing faction instead of new faction
– fixed lvl 2 granaries not counting towards the granaries objective in the Thriving Agriculture mission
– fixed not being able to wake a building after puting it to sleep in a regional territory of max 5 prod buildings
– Fixed bug with invalid industry demand calculation
– Fixed terrain generator issue: shore resources spawning entirely underwater
– fixed score inertia not working
– fixed bug of industry producing despite missing material
– fixed bug of phantom tax values still affecting incomes or loyalty