The version 0.300 is finished.
The major progress is the creation of the first city managing game mechanics : ressources stocking and handling, population growth and housing, construction payments…
– Input of sound system.
– General ambiant sounds.
– Theme music.
– New launching interface : startup logo.
– Game exe icon
– New building menu.
– New system of animated water improving performances.
– Deactivation of objects out of view for performance improvement.
– New building data storage system.
– Creation of databases.
– Bug causing infinite loading time.
– Players now start with a small village and ressources.
– New buildings : 5 first evolutions of celtic houses + warehouse.
– Roads placement.
– Deleting tool added.
– Ressource stockage implemented.
– Ressource paiement for buildings.
– Set Permissions in a stockage building.
– Empty ressource from a stockage building.
– Delete ressource from a stockage building.
– Population repartition in houses.
– Population growth.
– Slums spawn.
– Buildings now have a number of employees.
La version 0.300 est terminée.
Elle concerne principalement la mise en place des premieres mécaniques de gestion de ville : stockage et gestion des ressources , croissance et logement de la population, paiement des constructions…